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Improving autocompletion in your Rust macros


Understanding Rust Analyzer autocompletion in macro invokations.

Lets start with a simple macro:

struct Foo {
    bar: i32,

macro_rules! create_foo {
    ($field:ident) => {{
        Foo {
            $field: 10,

And lets say you are invoking this macro like this (where | is your cursor):

create_foo! {

and then you ask RA for completions. For RA to suggest you things that make sense it more or less does the following:

It expands create_foo but adds a dummy identifier where your cursor is. So what it actually expands is:

create_foo! {

where intellijRulezz is the dummy identifier. Then the macro gets expanded to:

    Foo {
        intellijRulezz: 10,

Then RA uses the position of intellijRulezz as context to know what to suggest. In this case, intellijRulezz landed on a field position, so it will suggest Foo's fields.

Rust Analyzer suggesting Foo's fields

RA uses the same context for other actions such as Rename.

What if the token expands to two different places?

If we have the following macro

macro_rules! foo {
    ($bar:ident) => {{
        use std::fs::$bar;
        use std::io::$bar;

Rust Analyzer will just take into account the first usage of the macro and ignore the others.

What about procedural macros?

RA does the same thing for procedural macros but it actually expands the macro twice, with and without the dummy identifier and uses both expansions to know the context.

I don't understand much how this works but I've found that if both expansions differ by too much, you don't get suggestions but you get them as soon as you type something because now both expansions include an identifier (what you typed and the dummy identifier).

So with this very simplified explanation, lets see what we can do to make our macros more Rust Analyzer-friendly.

Basic things you need to do

  • Never panic in your macro.
  • Fix up the user's input. If you know what's coming, use dummy values to fix the syntax of your macro's input.
fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let input = input.into_iter();
    // let field_name =; // NO!
    let field_name =
        .unwrap_or(TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("foo", Span::call_site())));
    // Yes! We use a dummy identifier.
    // You might want to keep track of errors and show them later with `compile_error!`.

Suggesting static data with modules and constants

If you want to suggest things that are not part of Rust code but they're actually intrinsic to your DSL (lets say standard elements such as <input> for HTML), you can use dummy consts in mods to make Rust Analyzer suggest these things.

Lets create a html_element! macro to showcase this:

macro_rules! html_element {
    ($el:ident) => {{
        let el = stringify!($el);
        format!("<{el} />")

This macro accepts an identifier and returns a string in HTML form. The problem is that we don't get any autocompletions. Lets fix this with a bit of trickery:

// Add a module with consts with the identifier we want to suggest
mod __html_elements {
    pub const input: () = ();
    pub const div: () = ();
    pub const a: () = ();

macro_rules! html_element {
    ($el:ident) => {{
        // Add a `use` statement to give some contex to Rust Analyzer.
        // We add a `cfg` attribute so that we don't get a compile error
        // if `$el` is not an element present in `__html_elements`.
        // Rust Analyzer seems to ignore the `cfg` for `use` statements;
        use __html_elements::$el;

        let el = stringify!($el);
        format!("<{el} />")

Now when we use the html_element macro, RA suggests input, div and a.

Rust Analyzer suggesting html elements

We can use the same trick for suggesting attributes by nesting modules.

mod __html_attrs {
    pub mod _base {
        pub const id: () = ();
        pub const class: () = ();
    pub mod div {
        pub use _base::*;
    pub mod a {
        pub use _base::**;
        pub use href: () = ();

// Then, in an imaginary macro, expand like:

This has the advantage of not dealing with complicated types as we'll see below and potentially increasing compilation time.

Suggesting Rust items

This sounds easy but in most cases it's more complicated than it looks like.

Take Dioxus' rsx macro and its following invokation:

rsx! {
    Component {
    //  ^ cursor

If we ask RA for completions, we get nothing meaningful.

Lets see why this happens using the following example:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn Box(cx: Scope, width: i32) -> Element {
    cx.render(rsx! {
        "width = {width}"

fn App(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    cx.render(rsx! {
        Box {
        //  ^ cursor

I would expect RA to suggest the prop width but it doesn't. It suggests arbitrary statements.

RA not suggesting Box props

But this is nothing strange if we take a look at the macro expansion. I'll include only the relevant snippet:

::dioxus::core::VNode {
    parent: None,
    key: None,
    template: std::cell::Cell::new(TEMPLATE),
    root_ids: Default::default(),
    dynamic_nodes: __cx.bump().alloc([__cx.make_node(w)]),
    //                                               ^ Here is the token we passed!
    dynamic_attrs: __cx.bump().alloc([]),

The token w actually lands in an "argument context". So RA suggests anything that we can pass to the make_node function.

Lets make the w token land in a place where RA suggests the width prop. We can do that by using the full syntax for passing props:

fn App(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    cx.render(rsx! {
        Box {
            w|: 10,
        //  ^ cursor

And now we get the suggestions we want!

Rust Analyzer suggesting Box props

And here's the relevant part of output of the macro expansion:

dynamic_nodes: __cx.bump().alloc([__cx.component(
    //                 ^ Here is the token we passed!

    // fc_to_builder(Box).wintellijRulezz(10).build(),
    // ^ When RA passes the dummy macro it looks like this:


The fc_to_builder(Box) call returns a builder for the props of Box so it makes sense that RA gives the suggestions we want since it uses the expanded location of the token as context.

So, while we are typing, the macro expands to something different to what will expand once we finish typing.

So how do we fix it?

Sadly, I'm not sure we can. There is a problem and it's that the grammar the rsx macro accepts is very flexible and we get into a very common problem with macros: The macro is syntactically valid before we finish typing and it's a very hard problem to solve if we want to improve the autocompletion suggestions.

Consider the following code:

fn App(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    let w = 10;
    cx.render(rsx! {
        Box {
        //  ^ cursor

We want to suggest the prop width but the macro is already in a valid state syntactically and semantically (we are passing the variable w). We cannot expand to code that calls fc_to_builder because it will be broken since the w method does not exist on it.

If Rust Analyzer didn't ignore inactive #[cfg] blocks, we could get away with using them as we use them with the use statements but it doesn't seem to work for other Rust code.

So my recommendation is:

Make the grammar of your macro as unambiguous as you can.

The rsx macro could be written like so:

rsx! {
    .prop: value,
    Div {}
    input {}

In this way, as soon as we type the ., we know what comes is a prop assignment and we can eagerly expand to code that RA can make use of.

This invokation:

rsx! {
    Box {

would expand to:

// invoked with the dummy identifier:

// invoked normally:
// ^ a `_noop` to fix up the tree with the expansion with the dummy identifier.

We then would get correct suggestions.

We compromised aesthetics for ergonomics (I atleast think so) in a place where some completions are very much needed for fast development.
